
26 September 2011

029 - From ceramic vase to cutlery drainer

The raku ware cutlery drainer bought at Powdermills Pottery at Dartmoor, England drew to a close the other day, after more than ten years in use. I had glued one of its legs a couple of years ago. Now it was terminal.

Since we don't do all cutlery in the washing machine, we wanted a new drier, and found a cylindrical ceramic vase at the Norsk Folkemuseum in Oslo. At the pottery shop we quite liked Hege Stenseng's vase.

I bored an 8 mm hole in the center, with a ceramic tile drill bit, at slow speed, with some water to cool it. Then I took the plastic tube that came with a concrete screw and fitted it through a red plastic "fan" and into the drainer from below. It's also 8 mm and fits tightly. Water then passes through the tube to the sink, where it would air dry.

The plastic fan constitutes six feet. I always keep some IKEA chopping boards ("Legitim") in my shop, ideal for material - used for the fan. It's easy to saw and cut with a knife. I cut the fan so that the ends would become feet, and the center about 2 mm from the bottom, so that water will not cling and stop the drainage. (I actually had to cut off some more material to raise this gap to 4 mm, the bottom was too wet when it shouldn't - and I did see hanging water underneath - seen when testing it on a glass surface.) This also makes the feet "coming down", and the unit will not ride on the center - it's important that the unit must not tip over. I want it to last at least ten years!

The cutlery holder "dish drying rack" dismantles in a split second, and is easy to wash. In the picture, the hole in the fan matches the round stamp, since the vase is not that round. This makes a more even appearance of the feet.

The above DIY prototype only "discusses" the theme. Now I know how to make a next. Please help me with English terminology..

Search words in Norwegian: keramisk porselen steingods bestikkurv bestikkstativ vase til å tørke oppvask.

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